If God is truly the Sovereign Ruler of the universe, then is it not true that whatever happens is the will of God? If everything happens only as He has willed, then in what way is this doctrine different from…
The Will Of God, Free Course, Lesson 1 Allan Turner Students From 140 Countries, Accredited, Tuition-Free, Distance Education: Trinity School Of Apologetics & Theology If God is truly the Sovereign Ruler of the universe, then is it not true…
Tuition-free Masters & Doctoral Distance Programs. Free Textbooks. Trinity Graduate School of Theology Does God Have An Individual Will For Each Person’s Life? Those who ask this question assume an individual, specific will for every person. They assume that God…
Students From 120 Countries, Accredited, Tuition-Free, Distance Education: Trinity School Of Apologetics & Theology Is It Possible To Interpret Providence? Is it possible to know the will of God in and through circumstances that take place in this life?…
Lesson 1 Q1. Does God’s sovereignty imply that every event in the Universe is ordained by God. Q2. What is the difference between the decrative, preceptive, and permissive will. Q3. What is the key, then, to sovereignty in the will…