Answering Objections to the Gospel: A Self-Study Course “That’s fine that you believe in Jesus; but that’s not truth for me.”“Oh, a Christian? So, you’re a mythologist!”“The Bible is just a bunch of words written by monks in the Middle…
Category: Objections To Gospel
Lesson Two – The Two Types of Objections
“I just don’t believe that the Bible is inspired.” “I could never believe that the Bible is inspired.” Are these two statements the same? On the surface they may seem to communicate the same message, but do they? Can you…
Lesson Three – Dealing With Intellectual Objections
“How do you know Jesus really existed?”“Genesis is just a compilation of manuscripts from several different sources. It isn’t authoritative.”“What about the people who never hear about Jesus? What happens to them?” Every Christian at some time or another has…
Lesson 4, Personal Objections
“How can you really believe that Jesus is God?” “I used to go to church, but not anymore.” “Yeah, my parents believed that stuff.” Answering personal objections can be much more involved than answering intellectual objections. A person who has…
Lesson Six – Tying It All Together
Free-tuition. Masters and Doctoral Diploma Thru Distance Education: Trinity School of Apologetics and Theology Hopefully the tools and strategies given so far are useful. A question that often arises is, “When I meet someone, they are a blend of…
Objections To Gospel, Free Course, Lesson 5
Tuition-free Masters & Doctoral Distance Programs. Free Textbooks. Trinity Graduate School of Theology Lesson Five — Ignorance As An Objection Sometimes the follower of Christ, while seeking out others to tell of the Gospel, will encounter someone who doesn’t have…