What Is Salvation, Lesson 1

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Trinity School Of Apologetics & Theology


What Is The Meaning Of This Biblical Concept  ?

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Dear friend,

This free course aims to help new believers in Christ to grow. We assume that you are a new  follower of Christ. Of course, the course would benefit even older followers, provided they approach it with the mind of a student. However, if  you never had an opportunity to become a follower, we suggest that you begin studying courses that can enlighten you in that direction. An increasing number of such free courses are being loaded onto this website.

Now that you have entered a new life, it is time to know a bit more about these things.

Soon after you came into a new relationship with Lord Jesus, you must have received a lot of spiritual instruction. Probably all these words were totally new. Probably you were totally confused. Do not despair! The present series has been developed to help you understand some of these new spiritual truths.

The first thing to understand in detail is “Salvation”. In this booklet you will study about two spiritual truths: salvation and the separation that must now be seen in your life.

Since most of the ideas are totally new to you, you will have some difficulty in understanding. Do not despair. Read it again, or share your questions with the person who gave this booklet to you.

Remember that, there are many people around you who have experienced this new life. Many of them will be very happy to help with your questions if you take interest in asking them.

This course is the first in a series of five courses that form a close-knit unit. We are confident that you would study all our free courses, and that you will come across all these five courses during that study.

The Series Editor

What Is Salvation

An Introduction

“If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” (Rom. 10.9, 10)

What is this salvation? Even those who are saved sometime do not under what this salvation is, with the result that they do not have the assurance of salvation and therefore they are not able to fully appreciate and enjoy it.

Before we look at salvation, which God has provided for sinful man we would very briefly at man who is in need of salvation. Then we will see eight pictures of salvation that we find in the Old Testament. This will teaches what salvation does to us.

Next we will examine the main facets of salvation: viz. Atonement, Reconciliation and Redemption. Repentance and faith are the means by which we obtain this salvation.

Results of salvation come next. Here we will study, justification, regeneration, adoption, sanctification and glorification. Finally we will examine our part in this, i.e. the practical aspect of it. Given below is the first of these points:

The Need Of Salvation:  In the Bible and everywhere in the world we see man as a sinner. He was created upright and without sin. But through disobedience he became a sinner. Bible says: “Through one man sin entered the world and death through sin.” (Rom. 5.12). Sinful man is in a very pathetic situation He knows he is sinful and is guilty before himself and before God. The history of man shows that he has evolved many methods to propitiate the Holy God of heaven but has not been successful in his effort, which always came short of God’s requirements. He knows what is good but is not able to perform it and he knows what is evil and is not able to prevent it. Man knows the need of salvation and that he himself is not able to achieve it. God has taken the initiative to save him.

God has only one plan of salvation; but he has various ways of dealing with man in regard to it. Someone has compared salvation to a sparkling gem, which has many facets. Each facet represents certain aspect of the work of Christ. Therefore no single aspect is fully able to describe it. When we consider all the aspects of this salvation together we get a full picture of what God has done for a repentant sinner.

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