Enrich yourself with a tuition-free online theological masters or doctoral diploma: Trinity Graduate School Encouragement for Parents of Young Children The First Ten Years of Your Child: Psychiatrists say that a person’s value system is locked in when he is …
Christian Family, Free Online Correspondence Course Lesson — 7
Enrich yourself with a tuition-free online theological masters or doctoral diploma: Trinity Graduate School Encouragement for Sons, Daughters and Parents In the last two verses of the Old Testament we read that God will send Elijah the prophet to turn…
Christian Family, Free Online Correspondence Course Lesson — 8
Enrich yourself with a tuition-free online theological masters or doctoral diploma: Trinity Graduate School Sunshine at the Eventide Old age increasingly makes us less “relevant” to the fast-paced, fast-changing younger eneration. Most people are too busy to give us time. …
Christian Family, Free Online Correspondence Course Lesson — 9
Enrich yourself with a tuition-free online theological masters or doctoral diploma: Trinity Graduate School The Extended Family A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and it divided and became four rivers. Love in the family is like…
Christian Family, Free Online Correspondence Course Historical Notes
Christian Family, Free Online Correspondence Course Historical Notes 1. God instituted monogamous marriage at creation (Gen. 2:18-25). Polygamy was the fruit of the deterioration of mankind. It has no sanction under the New Covenant. Enrich yourself with a tuition-free online…
Christian Family, Free Course, Tests
Test Question: 1. Write a 5-page summary of the entire course2. Give a list of areas where you strongly agree with the author3. Give a list of areas where you strongly disagree with the author, and justify your stand based…
Does God Exist, Free Course, Lesson 1
Does God Exist ?What Can An Intelligent Person Conclude ? In this course you will study and master the following exciting subjects. You would then find it very easy to face those who question your beliefs. 1. Does God…
Does God Exist, Free Course, Lesson 2
Science And God Everyone knows that this is the age of science. The explosive growth of science and technology fills everyone with awe. Science has become a synonym for truth, and none can deny that science constantly strives to find…
Does God Exist, Free Course, Lesson 3
Logic And God’s Existence God is not made up of matter or energy, and therefore no scientific experiment can be used to test His existence. But then many sincere inquirers might ask, “Does this mean that belief in God is…
Does God Exist, Free Course, Lesson 4
The Theory Of Probability We see a lot of phenomena taking place randomly : leaves falling from trees, dust settling on ground, and footprints made in sand. These actions take place in an unplanned manner — nobody orders clouds in…
Does God Exist, Free Course, Lesson 5
The Second Law Of Thermodynamics [This Lesson was contributed by Iype Oommen after he went through this course. We express our gratefullness. We invite others to contribute course material which are downloaded by thousadns every month] The Second Law of…
Does God Exist, Free Course, Lesson 6
Tuition-free Masters & Doctoral Distance Programs. Free Textbooks. Trinity Graduate School of Theology The Relational Verification The obtaining of information is an inseparable part of human life. Whether it is conversation with others, tasting of food, reading of newspapers, or…
Does God Exist, Free Course, Lesson 7
The Historical Witness Of The Bible Most people who attack belief in God consider Bible as a major enemy even though most of them do not acknowledge it. An examination of their writings, however, will betray this. You may examine…
Does God Exist, Free Course, Lesson 8
The Problem Of Pain And Evil Many atheists argue that the presence of pain and evil proves that God does not exist. This is false. God’s existence is not negated by posing perplexing questions. Rather, if anyone wants to disprove…
Does God Exist, Free Course, Lesson 9
Let Us Conclude ! We covered a lot of ground in the last seven chapters. Whether you accept what I said is entirely up to you. Most of the chapters give you a lead using which you can do further…
Does God Exist Free Course — Appendix
The Message Of Bible Bible is quite a big book with two major sections, sixty-six subsections, and over 31,000 still smaller divisions. If you are new to this book, this size can overwhelm you. A sensible approach of reading can,…
Does God Exist, Free Course, Final Exam
Tuition-free Masters & Doctoral Distance Programs. Free Textbooks. Trinity Graduate School of Theology Choose True Or False Chapter 1 1. There is no serious question today about the existence of God True/False 2. Even if some people question the…
The Will Of God, Free Course, Lesson 1
The Will Of God, Free Course, Lesson 1 Allan Turner Students From 140 Countries, Accredited, Tuition-Free, Distance Education: Trinity School Of Apologetics & Theology If God is truly the Sovereign Ruler of the universe, then is it not true…
Will of God, Free Course, Lesson 2
Tuition-free Masters & Doctoral Distance Programs. Free Textbooks. Trinity Graduate School of Theology Does God Have An Individual Will For Each Person’s Life? Those who ask this question assume an individual, specific will for every person. They assume that God…
Will of God, Free Course, Lesson — 3
Students From 120 Countries, Accredited, Tuition-Free, Distance Education: Trinity School Of Apologetics & Theology Is It Possible To Interpret Providence? Is it possible to know the will of God in and through circumstances that take place in this life?…
Test: The Will Of God Free Course
Lesson 1 Q1. Does God’s sovereignty imply that every event in the Universe is ordained by God. Q2. What is the difference between the decrative, preceptive, and permissive will. Q3. What is the key, then, to sovereignty in the will…