A FREE Course Offered By Indus School Of Apologetics And Theology
Help To Become Better Than What You Are Today
Christian Personality Development
Dear Student,
Welcome !!
Man was created in the image of God, but this image has become marred because of human sin. This is one reason why people have personality-related problems like shyness, fear, anxiety, indiscipline, etc. However, all these problems can be overcome with divine help because God has not left His children orphans. He has made arrangement enough to meet all physical, spiritual, and mental needs of His children.
Even if you have no spiritual problems, this course can help you to utilize your mental and spiritual capacities to the maximum. Thus we invite you to launch into a sojourn that can turn into a milestone in your life.
May God Bless You,
Kindly note the following:
1-All lessons have some answers to be recorded in a notebook by you. Do not neglect to write them .
2-Test-paper is given at the end of the module. Send it electronically to us as soon as possible. This will help you to know where you stand, and might even earn you the privilege of studying some more courses free.
3-There is a definite period within which you have to finish doing this course. Thus make a time-table so as to finish this course in a reasonable time (1 month).
Table Of Contents
Bear With Us If Some Of The Material Looks Too Elementary. Do Not Omit Them ! After All, The Best Marathon Runners Had To Take Their First Step Before They Could Attain Present Endurance !!
Chapter 1: What Is Personality
Chapter 2: Personality And The Bible
Chapter 3: Let Us Begin Using The Bible
Chapter 4: Why The Bible
Chapter 5: Bible Reading, How Much
Chapter 6: Getting Started
Test Paper
We Have Only One Life To Live !
Let Us Live It In Such A Way That We Would Not Have To Repent About
It In Eternity !!
Lesson 1
What Is Personality
Many people have mistaken notions about "personality". Personality is the sum and substance of a large number of things. Thus personality is not to be equated with:
Accessories (Clothing, make-up, things)
Some of the above things are components of personality, but they in themselves are not the personality of a person.
Thus every person should work at a combination of things that together give rise to a charming and God-honouring personality. They should also note that not everyone will have the same components in their personality. For example, some people might be good conversationalists but not everyone can be so.
It does not matter if you do not have a particular component because personality is not equal to individual components. It is the sum and substance of a large number of factors. If you get most of the factors right, then you become the owner of an attractive and God-honouring personality.
Now take up the following assignment. You will be coming back to these answers in another module, so it is essential that you write these answers before going further. Write them in a diarynotebook of your own.
Q1-Write down any five things that you feel are part of a person’s personality:
Q2-Mention any five things that you feel give a person a "good" personality:
Q3-Mention any five things that you would like to develop in yourself as part of the present Personality Development course:
Keep these answers for checking them at the end of this course.
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