Christian Family, Free Online Correspondence Course Historical Notes
1. God instituted monogamous marriage at creation (Gen. 2:18-25). Polygamy was the fruit of the deterioration of mankind. It has no sanction under the New Covenant.
2. With the deterioration of mankind, physical beauty rather than godliness became the main criterion in choosing a wife (Gen. 6:2).
3. “Marriage among the Jews was usually preceded by a formal act of betrothal, such a contract being regarded as absolutely binding. On the marriage day, the bride was escorted to her husband’s home by a procession consisting of her own companions, and the ‘friends of the bridegroom’, or ‘children of the bride-chamber’. When she reached the house, some such words as “Take her according to the Law of Moses and of Israel’ were spoken, the pair were crowned with garlands, and a marriage deed signed. After the prescribed washing of hands and benediction, the marriage supper was held. For a year after marriage a man was released from all military service. The Christian law of marriage is given in Mt. 19:4-9; Mark 10:2-12; Rom. 7:2; 1 Cor. 7; its mystical meaning, as symbolizing the union between Christ and the Church, is explained in Eph. 5:22-32.” Concise Bible Dictionary in the Holy Bible, Cambridge University
4. In Jewish culture it was not proper for a couple to express their affection in public (Song of Solomon 8:1-3).
5. In ancient times long and flowing hair was the glory of a godly woman (Song of Solomon 4:1; 6:5 (New King James Version); 1 Cor. 11:15). A meek and quiet spirit was her inner beauty (1 Peter 3:4).
6. In the Old Testament, betrothal was considered equally as binding as marriage. Rape of a betrothed girl demanded the death of the man involved (Deut. 22:23–27).
7. Job’s daughters shared their father’s inheritance with the sons (Job 42:15). Daughters did not share the inheritance in Israel, except later under the law only if there were no sons (Num. 27:8). “In Mesopotamian law the dowry was given to the bride by her father and remained her possession even if it was administered by her husband; it passed to her sons after her death or returned to her family if she died without sons.” Dictionary of the Bible, John L. McKenzie, S.J.
8. A large family was a blessing from God (Psa. 127:3-5; 128:2-4). Childlessness was a matter of sorrow (Gen. 30:1; 1 Sam. 1:6,11; Luke 1:25).
9. It was the duty of the parents to teach the children wisdom.
10. Respect and obedience for the parents was commanded (Ex. 20:12; Deut. 5:16). Striking or insulting the parents was punishable by death (Ex. 21:15,17; Lev. 20:9).
In the beginning the Creator crowned the creation with the marriage of two beings created in His own image. The fellowship between Adam and Eve as God’s children was the ultimate bliss in Eden. The same fellowship is recreated in every covenant union ever since. This blessing may be experienced in all families through the Lord Jesus Christ who redeemed us from the Fall.
God shall also crown eternity with a marriage: the marriage between His Son and the Church. For this the Lord Jesus Christ loved us and gave Himself for us. It is in such sacrificial love – ovenant love – that we fully realize the joys of marriage and family.
To such joys of marriage and family this book invites you. God’s grace makes such a life possible for every family.
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- Christian Family, Free Online Correspondence Course Lesson -- 5
- Christian Family, Free Online Correspondence Course Lesson -- 6
- Christian Family, Free Online Correspondence Course Lesson -- 7
- Christian Family, Free Online Correspondence Course Lesson -- 8
- Christian Family, Free Online Correspondence Course Lesson -- 9
- Christian Family, Free Course, Tests
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