In the New Testament Christian life is described by the word ‘walk’. Bible has many things to say concerning Christian walk. Though our Lord is absent bodily he is ever present with us in His spirit.
A. We walk before him
He is always watching us. When God called Abraham he was asked to walk before God (Gen.17.1). As God is light (1 Jn.1.5) when we walk before Him we will always have the benefit of light. Darkness will not make us stumble. We will be able to avoid many pit falls. In spite of this whenever we go astray we will hear his voice behind us: This is the way, walk you in it (Isa.30.21). It is a comfort for us to know that He knows the way that we take (Job.23.10) and also a warning if we take the wrong path.
B. We walk like him
Our model for Christian walk is the Lord Himself. Note the following from the book of 1John.
As He is in the light, the Christian should walk in the light of his fellowship 1 Jn.1.7 Those who abide in Him, ought to walk as He walked 1 Jn.2.6 As He is pure the Christian should purify himself 1 Jn.3.3 As He is righteous, the Christian should practice righteousness 1 Jn.3.7 As He loved us, Christian should love one another 1 Jn.3.23 As He lived in the world, a Christian should live 1 Jn.4.17 As He is, the Christian shall be one day 1 Jn.3.2
C. We walk with him
Can two walk together, except they are agreed? (Amos 3.3) We ca walk with him only when we agree with him in everything. Enoch walked with him (Gen.5.22) and it pleased God. He instructed Enoch of the judgment to come on those who did not walk with him and this became the subject matter of his prophecy (Jude 14).
Jesus Christ and the Emmaus disciples walked together and the Lord expounded unto them the scriptures and opened their eyes to understand the sufferings of Christ (Lk.24.44, 45). What a wonderful Bible study it would have been.
Bible gives us clear instructions as to how should walk. Note the following characteristics:
D. We should walk
Worthy of our calling (Eph.4.1) as examples. We are the only exponents of Christianity in the world. Worthy of God as children (1 Thes.2.12). This is in conformity with His holiness and character. We follow God our Father as dear children (Eph.5.1). Worthy of the Lord as servants (Col.1.10; 1 Thes.4.1). Circumspectly (Eph.5.15). We should be cautious and should not walk as fools but as wise. In love (Eph.5.1-2). This should be the sphere in which we move whether in relations to Christians or the people of the world. In unity (Eph.4.16). Christians are united in the bond of love and they should maintain this unity.
Apostle John said; “That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that you also may have fellowship with us” (1 Jn.1.3). John and other apostles were witnesses of the Lord’s life, death and resurrection on which Christianity is founded. It is through their witness that we have come to know the Lord.
Like him we are also witnesses of the saving power of the Lord. Lord Jesus said; The Comforter, i.e. the Spirit of Truth shall testify of him. And He added; You also shall bear witness (Jn.15.26, 27).
It is our privilege and duty to witness of the Lord. We should show forth the excellencies of Him who has called us from darkness into his marvelous light (1 Pet.2.9). A. Qualification for witness
Our qualification for witness is that we have come to know Jesus as Lord. We have confessed him so openly. Without being born again we cannot witness.
We should also have the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Lord said, you shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you; and you shall be witnesses unto me (Acts 1.8). The Spirit of God came on the day of Pentecost and fused the believers into the Body of Christ. Every believer has the Holy Spirit indwelling in him. Yet he needs the filling (Eph.5.18) and the power of the Holy Spirit in his life to witness for the Lord.
The Credibility of the witness
We also need to be credible. Peter says that those who show forth the praises of Him who called them, should live as strangers and pilgrims in the world, should abstain from flesh lusts that war against the soul, should have their lives honest among the gentiles and should be models in good works (1 Pet.2.9, 12, 13). If our life is tainted by the world how can we witness that we are citizens of heaven? The vessel that the Master uses should be clean (2 Tim.2.21).
The Purpose of the witness
We have an aim. That is present the gospel before men by our life and words. But it does not end there. Those who have heard the gospel should be led to a saving knowledge of Christ. This is the primary responsibility of every Christian individually and should not be left to a select few. But simply presenting Christ before men is not sufficient. He should be prepared to follow-up every individual before whom who he has witnessed. The new convert should be led to an understanding of the assurance of his salvation. He should also be introduced to a Church fellowship. Here the responsibility of the Church begins. A person can be saved while being alone, but he cannot live the Christian life alone. (For further information on Church fellowship and growth read and review Follow-up Series No.2).
The Equipment for witness
Every Christian should understand and be able to intelligently present the gospel to an unbeliever. And it should be presented in a systematic and intelligent manner. Whichever portion of scripture may one present, it should include three basic elements:
Man’s need. Man is a sinner. He is lost and condemned. He cannot save himself. God’s provision. Jesus Christ came, suffered, died and rose again. Man’s sin question was once and for all decided. Jesus is God’s provision for man’s need. Man’s responsibility. He should believe on Jesus Christ. He should exclusively rely on the work of Christ to save him. He should confess his sin and personally accept Jesus as Lord.
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