Category: Bible and Science

Bible And Science 1

A FREE Course Offered By Trinity School Of Apologetics And Theology Visit  Trinity School Of Apologetics And Theology For No-risk Accredited, Tuition-Free Courses What Is The Current Status Of The Assumed Bible/Science Conflict  ?    Dr. Johnson C. Philip   Lesson…

Bible and Science 2

At  Trinity School Of Apologetics And Theology Everyone Is A Winner: Accredited, Tuition-Free Courses Lesson 2   What Is Science ?  Right from the beginning of this study you should understand the difference between science and technology. Science deals with the…

Bible and Science 3

It Is Never Too Late To Study At  Trinity School Of Apologetics And Theology Accredited, Tuition-Free Courses Lesson 3  Bible And The World Of Science  In the previous lesson you saw that the present-day science developed as a direct cause…

Bible and Science 4

Distance Education At  Trinity School Of Apologetics And Theology  Accredited, Tuition-Free Masters/Doctorate Lesson 4   Bible  And  Evolution  The Theory Of Evolution is everywhere today, and no one can escape it by simply ignoring it. The idea of evolution is as…

Bible and Science Lesson 5

Bible and Science Free Online Course, Lesson 5     Bible  And  Archeology Archaeology is the science of excavating and studying remains from past civilizations. Using these remains, it reconstructs the past history as accurately as possible.   Bible contains a lot of…

Bible and Science 6

Lesson 6  Conclusion !!! A course like this became necessary because a determined crowd all over the world is making a lot of noise against the Bible, confusing those people who have not seen both the sides of the picture.…

Bible and Science, Test

Choose the correct answer for Bible and Science free online correspondence course Lesson 1   Q1–There is a systematic effort worldwide to attack and discredit the Bible.  True/False   Q2–Galileo’s views opposed the Bible.  True/False   Q3–There is no use discussing Bible/Science/Evolution because that…